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The Swedish Trust and Management Company. Manage, store, safekeep and much more.

Store, manage, safekeep, process customer funds with your new Swedish Trust and Management Company. The First Class solution from the EU makes it possible to operate professionally as Trustee for your clients, offer Payment Processing, Crypto Exchange, manage funds and assets and enable offshore clients access to start their business in the European Union. Offer managed or deposit accounts and fulfil your mandate as regulated entity from one of Europe's hotspots. INCLUDED: EBANQ SOFTWARE FOR ONLINEBANKING 

We can offer a complete Swedish (EU) Trust Company package with EBANQ Online Banking Software and registration as a Regulated Trust Management Company for AML/CFT purposes.


We offer new formations and sales of existing Trust
Companies registered in Sweden, a full member of
the European Union and one of the most stable,
wealthy and technologically advanced nations in the world. A Swedish Trust Company is the perfect and most prestigious vehicle available today for managing and protecting international client assets of any kind. The Trust Company is registered as a
regulated provider of trust management services
with Stockholm County Administrative Board as
Supervisory Authority and comes complete with a
comprehensive custom Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)
Compliance Program.

In Sweden, an entity managing assets professionally as a Trustee needs to comply with Anti Money Laundering (AML) Legislation and is required to be registered as a Regulated Provider of Trust Management Services and be subject to supervision by a Supervisory Authority for AML purposes. The Trust Companies we offer come fully compliant with this registration requirement, with the Stockholm County Administrative Board as the Supervisory Authority. There are further no formal requirements with regards to capital, qualification or physical presence.

Your consultant

+852 8191 4752

+1 678 701 3666​

email: click here >>



The Trust Company is structured as a Limited Partnership and registered as a Regulated Service
Provider in accordance with the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act (Law
2017:630). Our Trust Companies come complete with Certificates of Registration evidencing compliance with this Act. All documentation is provided in Swedish and English. The Trust Company can manage any type of assets held in Trust for any number of clients (individuals or legal entities) resident anywhere in the world. The Trust Company must have a minimum of one partner with unlimited liability, and a minimum of one partner with liability limited to the
investment in the company. There are no minimum or maximum amounts for investment by limited partners. The partners can be physical individuals or legal entities of any nationality and resident anywhere in the world. We do offer nominee partners. Our clients have to provide their own general and limited partners, whether physical individuals or legal entities, and all parties must be properly identified.


The following assets / securities / moneys can be stored and managed through your Swedish Trust Company on behalf of your clients:

  1. Cash Deposits (No Currency Restrictions)

  2. Cryptocurrencies

  3. Stocks

  4. Bonds & Debentures

  5. Mutual Funds & Hedge Funds

  6. Any type of Securities

  7. Commodities

  8. Precious Metals

  9. Real Estate

  10. Investments in General


  • Due Diligence up-front check for eligibility

  • Limited Partnership (LP) Setup in Sweden

  • Translation of all documents into English

  • Registered Office and Agent Services

  • Digital documents upfront on email

  • Processing introduction to regulated instutions in the European Union to get access

  • Registration as Financial Services Provider, especially with the Stockholm County Administrative Board

  • Obtaining the relevant permissions

  • Compliance AML and KYC frame work for you in order to receive the permissions

  • ebanq Software with online banking for clients, CRM, transfer management etc

  • LEI Number and non-connected BIC Code with SWIFT



As a regulated entity you will of course enjoy access to SEPA / SWIFT and crypto facilities. We will assist you. However, you can of course also establish with your bank an account relationship. Since all information are online and fully transparent, most banks accept Swedish Trust companies to open new accounts for.

Kreditkarten und Onlinebanking Offshorekonten



The permission to act as Asset Manager / Trustee enables you also to offer e-wallet services as a consequence, since you holding the cash deposits only as a trustee on behalf of your clients. They order and initiate via online banking transfers, and your Swedish Trust simply processes.




If you should need an own software to manage all payments for your clients, their accounts, transactions, personal documentation etc, we highly recommend the solution of the current market leaders of the banking industry. The multilingual software is an all-in-one component allowing to manage customers data as well as all payments with one click. 

BL can arrange a free demo upfront via skype to see live how the software is working.

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Served Office / Meeting Facilities

Non Executive / Non Administration:

Singapore / Kuala Lumpur / Dubai

BL Group


BL Corporate Services LTD
New Horizon Building, Ground Floor
3 1/2 Miles Philip SW Goldson Highway
Belize City, Belize


Register: 162218

Instant Contacts


+852 8191 4752
+1 678 701 3666


B L   C O R P O R A T E  S E R V I C E S   L T D ,   N e w   H o r i z o n   B u i l d i n g ,   G r o u n d   F l o o r ,   3 / 5   M i l e s   P h i l i p ,  S . W .   G o l d s o n   H i g h w a y
 B e l i z e   C i t y ,   B e l i z e  - -  1 6 2 , 2 1 8

BL is not a bank, nor does it provide banking services. BL offers international company formation, corporate administration services, and bank/broker introductory services and account opening assistance through third parties only. This website is only used for promotional marketing purposes of BL and is not intended to portray that this is the site of a bank, financial institution or being itself a licensed or regulated Corporate Services Provider. BL connects customers and Corporate Services Provider which are in an exclusive partnerships with BL Corporate Services Ltd in the respective jurisdiction(s). 

BL delivers all services through accreditated, regulated and licensed third parties such as banks, corporate services providers, legal representatives, accountants etc. The strength of BL is to consult and inform customers before they start a licensing application process and/or company formation setup with the respective counterparts. KYC and AML checks will be conducted before BL is onboarding any kind of client. BL makes sure that customers will end up with high reputable corporate services providers and payment institutions. All partners have been checked with BL. 

In the following jurisdictions BL is providing the services through professional CSPs, banks, legal representatives, accountants etc. All services are considered to be third party services, but under permanent control and monitoring of the BL Group, which will be your guide and primarly contact point until the corporate and/or licensing setup has been finalised successfully. We will introduce you directly the competences but still assist you as your partner during the entire setup process. The jurisdictions where third party services by CSPs / MC (Management Companies) are being carried out are: Bahamas, BVI, Cayman Islands, Seychelles, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Dominica (Commonwealth of), Vietnam, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, UAE, United States of America, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Georgia, European Union (Sweden).

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