Vanuatu Financial Offshore Forex / FX Permission
BL's most requested license: The Vanuatu Forex Securities Dealers License. Become a regulated securities dealer and enable your clients access to your very own products, such as: Forex Services, Asset Management, Bonds, Deposits, Certificates etc. - No other license offers such a value for limited costs
Despite of the growing demand for financial services, it has become difficult for financial service providers to obtain a license for their activities or stand the pressure of ever-increasing rules and requirements in order to retain that license.
Controlling authorities impose strict rules and increase entry barriers (such as enormous capital requirement), trying to oust medium-sized companies from this business area.
One of the solutions we offer with this regard is Vanuatu Securities Dealers License. It is a relatively new product, but it already gained an approval and popularity of many firms, offering financial services to the customers worldwide.
Obtaining of a license of the Securities Dealer becomes possible due to the Dealers in Securities (Licensing) Act [Cap 70 of the laws of Vanuatu] (previously called Prevention of Fraud (Investment) Act), which allows individuals and companies to apply for such license.
The advantages:
This company can offer bank-like services, additionally
a permission to provide Forex (FX) and commodity
activities -
No limitations of clients you can accept
Very low fee to get the permissions granted (2.000,-)
There are no restrictions on public solicitations and web sites being open to the general public
We offer you a full package including an international bank account for your new Vanuatu Financial Company
You do not need to travel to Vanuatu to undersign application forms; all we be done by email and mailing if you decide to incorporate via BL
Financial / Legal Background:
Under this Act two licenses are available: a Principal's License and a Representative's License. Licenses are granted by the Minister of Finance Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC). Basically, the Act has two functions. First is to regulate the issuance of the license of securities dealer and the second is to impose penalties for persons/corporations dealing with securities without a permission or fraudulently inducing people to invest money in securities.
Financial / Legal Background:
Ausgestellt werden die Lizenzen vom zuständigen Ministerium bzw. der Aufsichtsbehörde auf Vanuatu, der VFSC.
The Vanuatu Forex Securities Dealers Licenses enables you to carry out the following services:
Option to sell your share certificates
loan stocks
certificates issuing
deposit taking
a right, despite whether or not conferred by warrant, to subscribe for shares or debt securities
the proceeds of Foreign Exchange or FOREX
the proceeds of precious metals
the proceeds of commodities
trading on Managed Accounts with POA / LPOA
The definition of "dealing in securities" includes a requirement of an intention to make a profit. As a result, foreign exchange transactions that are intended to make a profit for the client (as opposed to simple money exchange) fall within the definition of "dealing in securities" and licenses are required to carry on that business.
Our FX software provider in Switzerland generates monthly profits for institutional clients of 2-5% pcm on average.

None, if profits are generated outside VU.
If required, we can provide you a full working software to manage accounts, payments, transactions, currency exchange and open accounts, sub accounts, creating account groups etc. Each client will get (if you allow) an SSL secured online banking access and can manage his own account (depending of the rights you are allowing to your users). We can give you a demo of this full software package up front. Banking License also deliver an access to a pre-installed payment provider that is connected to the software. So all correspondence bank issues are solved automatically. Software starts at 12,500 US$.
For another 5,000 US$ one time fee we even implement a fully working payment provider. You'll be able to receive and send payments up from day One.
We help you to establish a full SWIFT network connected bank account for your new Forex License and your Vanuatu company. In addition you will receive a pooling account with a regulated payment provider in HK plus a dedicated IBAN accountin the name of your VU company if you intend to cooperate with European brokers.
If requested BL is organizing a full brokerage introduction to European Brokers based in Cyprus. Use their infrastructure, software and tools and start offering your services from the first day on.
The brokerage introduction is for free and not a must. Our brokerage partners are working related to the MiFID guidelines and having the so called EU-Passport for cross-boarder services into any major European country. Use their regulation for a SAFE working.